The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the weather forecast predicts snow on Friday -- it's truly spring in Maryland.
Jokes aside, I think I speak for many of us when I say I am excited to be out of the winter blues. I love winter, its coziness, chilled air and snow storms...but only when I can stay curled up with a hot cup of tea and my friends from One Tree Hill (if you haven't seen the show, stop what you are doing and start watching!) Once school and work enters the scene, I am ready for the cold weather to go.
This spring is an exciting one for me, as I both graduate and move house!
Our new home under construction!!
I am undoubtedly excited about moving and ready for the DIY projects I can craft, rooms I can design and blogs/videos I can create.
Enter graduation.
Now this is where the bittersweet emotions come in.
When asked daily if i'm excited to graduate from college or what my post-grad plans are, I typically respond with two answers:
1. It's terrifying & exciting.
2. I am ready to be out of school, but not ready to be out of school.
I'm not alone in this feeling either, most of my friends and classmates feel the same way. So why is this? Why are we both nervous and excited to begin our lives?
My guess, because it's not the beginning of our lives, but the next step.
We are often told that the "big bad real world" is a place to be scared of and told to "enjoy college while you can, working sucks." Call me optimistic, but I would like to think the next 60 + years of my life have not plateaued at the experiences I've had in college. I love my university and I love the experiences that come along with it, but I believe there is still much more to come.
So, while the scary thought of graduation, a career, bills and a "big kid" life terrify me, I aim to focus on the fact that these thoughts also excite me.
If you are graduating soon or are coming up on a new life experience, remember the excitement over the fear and watch as the opportunities unfold.